Have the best stress-free holiday season ever. Learn mindfulness and how to cope with the demands of the holidays. Live event is at two times on Wednesday 3PM and 6PM. Register here.
Free Mindfulness Webinar – Wednesday November 30
Do the Math – Genes vs. Neurons – Why It Matters
, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
According to the latest estimates the number of human protein-coding genes is between 19,000 and 20,000. Meanwhile a human...
Mindfulness and Magic: Misused to Manipulate
, Mind Power, Mindfulness
In the wrong hands mindfulness meditation can be used to manipulate and control others. This is painfully illustrated in...
How to Meditate While Waiting at a Stop Light. Really. No Kidding.
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness
Meditate while driving?? Meditate at a stop light?? Yep! I do it. Don’t worry it’s not dangerous. I only...
What is Mind? – Part 1
, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
It’s axiomatic that to have mindfulness meditation there must be a mind. Without a mind there can be no...
How to Make New Year Resolutions Stick
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
There are very real scientific reasons that New Year resolutions are difficult to follow. They aren’t excuses, you just...
The Importance of Volition
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
Volition means the will to do something. Like Volunteer and voluntary you can trace the origin to the Latin...
Your Inner Lizard
, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Thought Stream
All animals have brains. Ours are more advanced. Yet, we retain the same neural parts that drives reptile behavior...
The Gumby Mind
, EM, Mind Power
Adaptive – Flexible – Able to overcome any obstacle and solve any problem. Those were talents of Gumby, the...