Stress isn’t all bad. Too much can adversely affect your health, strain your emotions, and lead to burnout. Prolonged stress makes recovery more difficult.
On the other hand in the right proportions stress can help you focus and actually improve your efficiency. It’s even possible to harness stress to become more productive.
Your outlook on life and your skills in dealing with stress determine your ability to achieve a sustainable balance between good stress and harmful stress.
Deep mindfulness meditation has been a big help to millions for centuries. Emergent Meditation is all about achieving equanimity, from which all benefit flow. With equanimity you will be able to maintain that crucial balance.
Two Sides of Stress
Directed Mental Force – More Than Will Power
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
For centuries people have used brute will power to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. However, too often will...
Exercise and Meditation
, Health
One of the best times to meditate is after a strenuous exercise session. But, maybe just before is better....
What You Should Know About The Dalai Lama – Part 1
, EM, History of Mindfulness, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
Buddhism has been around for centuries, long before Galileo, Newton and all the material sciences that dominate the modern...
What Stroke Patients Have Taught Us About Neuroplasticity
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
A revolution is going on. The old belief that the adult brain is incapable of change has been overturned...
How to Meditate While Waiting at a Stop Light. Really. No Kidding.
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness
Meditate while driving?? Meditate at a stop light?? Yep! I do it. Don’t worry it’s not dangerous. I only...
Important Pre-Webinar Update
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Uncategorized
What Tying Your Shoes Reveals
, EM, Health, Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Thought Stream
What was in your thought stream this morning when you were tying your shoes? If you were like most...