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We are now simply EM – Why?
, Breathing, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
Emergent Meditation is now simply EM. Why? EM is more than meditation.The program covers much more! Mindfulness Maximum Relaxation...
The Kidnapping Problem – Is Your Brain Held Hostage?
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
When you think about habits that seem impossible to break, it can feel like you’re a victim of something...
Important Pre-Webinar Update
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Uncategorized
Anderson Cooper Misses the Point of Mindfulness
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness
Learning mindfulness doesn’t require spending thousands of dollars to go to a Jon Kabat-Zinns mountain top retreat. Learning mindfulness...
, EM, Mind Power
No disrespect to the Dali Lama – I just can’t do it. I was born with a certain body...
Mindfulness Nature Walk
, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Thought Stream
Accept everything you see, hear, and smell along with any sensations you are having. In the moment. No judgements....
Emergent Inspiration
, EM, Mindfulness
Inspiration is an integral part of life. The ability to be inspired is an important trait that makes us...
The Gumby Mind
, EM, Mind Power
Adaptive – Flexible – Able to overcome any obstacle and solve any problem. Those were talents of Gumby, the...