This FREE webinar will be presented live at two times Wednesday November 30 – 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM EST. Click here to register.
Live Event – Wednesday November 30
Mindfulness Nature Walk
, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Thought Stream
Accept everything you see, hear, and smell along with any sensations you are having. In the moment. No judgements....
Brain Vs. Mind
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
Science has struggled to dismiss a distinction between your brain and your mind. The brain is easy to define. It’s...
Keep Growing Your Mind
, EM, Mind Power
It’s plain to see that as we grow from childhood to adulthood our brains are growing and developing everyday....
Live Learn to Meditate Event – Tuesday Nov. 15, 2016
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness
Deep Mindfulness Meditation helps reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and emotional composure. It can even enhance creativity. Learn with...
How to Meditate While Waiting at a Stop Light. Really. No Kidding.
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness
Meditate while driving?? Meditate at a stop light?? Yep! I do it. Don’t worry it’s not dangerous. I only...
How You Can Help the Formation of Critical Neurons in Your Brain
, Health, Neuroscience
Adult neural stem cells, pictured here, play an important role in the formation of neurons critical to brain function...
What is Mind? – Part 1
, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
It’s axiomatic that to have mindfulness meditation there must be a mind. Without a mind there can be no...
The Lotus Myth
, Breathing, Health, History of Mindfulness, Mindfulness
It is completely unnecessary to assume the famous lotus position to fully experience deep mindfulness meditation. Hindu, Jain, and...