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EM in the dentist’s chair?
, EM, Health, Mind Power
Most people find a trip to the dentist unpleasant. Sitting in the chair, you are braced for a painful...
Mindfulness and Magic: Misused to Manipulate
, Mind Power, Mindfulness
In the wrong hands mindfulness meditation can be used to manipulate and control others. This is painfully illustrated in...
Emergent Inspiration
, EM, Mindfulness
Inspiration is an integral part of life. The ability to be inspired is an important trait that makes us...
What Stroke Patients Have Taught Us About Neuroplasticity
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
A revolution is going on. The old belief that the adult brain is incapable of change has been overturned...
The Gumby Mind
, EM, Mind Power
Adaptive – Flexible – Able to overcome any obstacle and solve any problem. Those were talents of Gumby, the...
We are now simply EM – Why?
, Breathing, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
Emergent Meditation is now simply EM. Why? EM is more than meditation.The program covers much more! Mindfulness Maximum Relaxation...
Live Learn to Meditate Event – Tuesday Nov. 15, 2016
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness
Deep Mindfulness Meditation helps reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and emotional composure. It can even enhance creativity. Learn with...
The Old Square Peg Myth
, EM, Mind Power, Neuroscience
You’ve heard it all your life. You’ve probably felt it many times. “You’re just a square peg in a...