Important Pre-Webinar Update
How Long Should Your Meditation Session Last?
, Mind Power, Mindfulness
20 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? Like everything in life – it depends. When you learn deep mindfulness meditation...
John Milton on Mind
, Mind Power
It’s probably up to you (and your mind) if you live your life in heaven or hell.
How to Meditate While Waiting at a Stop Light. Really. No Kidding.
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness
Meditate while driving?? Meditate at a stop light?? Yep! I do it. Don’t worry it’s not dangerous. I only...
Mindfulness and Magic: Misused to Manipulate
, Mind Power, Mindfulness
In the wrong hands mindfulness meditation can be used to manipulate and control others. This is painfully illustrated in...
Stop Thinking!
, Mind Power
Can you stop thinking? Most people would say no. Yet, it can be done. How? Your mind seems to...
Jellyfish Yourself
, Mind Power
How relaxed are jellyfish? Think about it. There isn’t much to their bodies – no thick skin – no...
Uncertainty and Your Frontal Lobe
, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
Uncertainty triggers fear. Fear triggers anxiety. It all takes place in the frontal lobe of your brain where “executive”...
What Tying Your Shoes Reveals
, EM, Health, Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Thought Stream
What was in your thought stream this morning when you were tying your shoes? If you were like most...
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Found it very interesting! Excited about the webinar Tommorow! Until then Have a Blessed Day.