Important Pre-Webinar Update
How to Make New Year Resolutions Stick
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience
There are very real scientific reasons that New Year resolutions are difficult to follow. They aren’t excuses, you just...
How to Meditate While Waiting at a Stop Light. Really. No Kidding.
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness
Meditate while driving?? Meditate at a stop light?? Yep! I do it. Don’t worry it’s not dangerous. I only...
What Tying Your Shoes Reveals
, EM, Health, Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Thought Stream
What was in your thought stream this morning when you were tying your shoes? If you were like most...
Enroll and Give Someone Special the Complete EM Mind Power Program for FREE
, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness
Go here now: https://emergentmeditation.com/happiness
John Milton on Mind
, Mind Power
It’s probably up to you (and your mind) if you live your life in heaven or hell.
Your Inner Lizard
, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Thought Stream
All animals have brains. Ours are more advanced. Yet, we retain the same neural parts that drives reptile behavior...
The Lotus Myth
, Breathing, Health, History of Mindfulness, Mindfulness
It is completely unnecessary to assume the famous lotus position to fully experience deep mindfulness meditation. Hindu, Jain, and...
Mindfulness Nature Walk
, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Thought Stream
Accept everything you see, hear, and smell along with any sensations you are having. In the moment. No judgements....
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Found it very interesting! Excited about the webinar Tommorow! Until then Have a Blessed Day.