November 29, 2016November 29, 2016, EM, Mindfulness, Neuroscience This FREE webinar will be presented live at two times Wednesday November 30 – 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM EST. Click here to register.
+ What Tying Your Shoes Reveals November 2, 2017November 2, 2017, EM, Health, Mindfulness, Neuroscience, Thought Stream What was in your thought stream this morning when you were tying your shoes? If you were like most...
+ Sleep, Mindfulness, and Exhaustion September 18, 2019November 6, 2020, EM, Mindfulness, Thought Stream Other than under the influence of drugs or psychosis or some other imbalance, we can think of the mind...
+ The Gumby Mind November 6, 2020March 29, 2021, EM, Mind Power Adaptive – Flexible – Able to overcome any obstacle and solve any problem. Those were talents of Gumby, the...
+ What You Should Know About The Dalai Lama – Part 1 March 3, 2017October 11, 2017, EM, History of Mindfulness, Mindfulness, Neuroscience Buddhism has been around for centuries, long before Galileo, Newton and all the material sciences that dominate the modern...
+ The Old Square Peg Myth June 21, 2018November 6, 2020, EM, Mind Power, Neuroscience You’ve heard it all your life. You’ve probably felt it many times. “You’re just a square peg in a...
+ Thought Bubbles April 28, 2021April 30, 2021, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Thought Stream I often hear from people who have difficulties meditating. They sometimes ask for help, because they say they are...
+ The Importance of Volition January 18, 2019November 6, 2020, EM, Mind Power, Mindfulness, Neuroscience Volition means the will to do something. Like Volunteer and voluntary you can trace the origin to the Latin...